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View Profile: Member ID #87097 |
(1 of 0) | |
Sales Opportunity |
Target Customers Outdoor Stores, Camping Stores, Sporting Goods Retailers, Hardware Stores, Farm & Ranch, Army Surplus, Costco, Target, Boy Scouts of America, Regional Retailers, Door-to-Door Industry Channels
Product Lines
Sales Opportunity We are the leading brand for performance canvas tents and gear in the country. We are in a strong position to expand our retail and store presence, and provide excellent support for reps by way of samples and marketing materials. We have seen demonstrated success with some of the country's largest retailers, including REI, Bass Pro Shops, Cabela's, Tractor Supply Co., and we're looking to expand our presence in similar big box stores, as well as regional and independent chains and stores. We provide exclusivity for reps, either for territories or industries. We offer generous commissions for this product category, with high order values of our tents. We have palletization or container programs. We have been performing strongly in our direct-to-consumer business, and our fully set up for EDI compatibility and at-once orders. With our experience with stores like REI and Bass Pro Shops, are team is also extremely familiar with the shipping and logistics of larger retailers. |
Update Date: November 15, 2024
Last Login: January 7, 2025
State/Country of Home Office: Utah, United States
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