Find independent apparel sales rep jobs
Contact companies hiring clothing sales representatives
Search: what industry do you sell to?
Best tip
- Enter a keyword phrase that describes your product lines or customers' business (who you sell to).
- Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
- Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, auto, wholesale, etc.
- Use your customer's brand name too. Examples: Walmart, Home Depot, Fastenal.
Second best tip
- Commas--make sure you put commas between unrelated keyword phrases.
Advanced Search
- Once you have created a profile, do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.
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Basic service always free for reps. No hidden fees. And we never sell your data, ever.
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Contact qualified manufacturers and companies seeking to fill apparel, fashion, and clothing sales jobs with qualified reps who have established buyers in your region.
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The RepHunter Difference:
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- With unlimited toll-free telephone support, you can get your problems solved fast.
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International exposure
Reach new audiences and apparel, fashion and clothing companies with exposure on our international rep database. Your sales rep profile gets searched daily by recruiters, agencies, and companies hiring sales reps.
We advertise to companies seeking independent reps and promote your profile with optimized search.
Find companies needing your expertise—fast
We provide powerful search tools to help you find that next big apparel sales opportunity. With features like "Find My Matches", you'll be on the fast track to your next business call.
Complete your apparel sales rep profile and confirm your email address within 24 hours and receive RepHunter's Guide to Independent Sales Reps—16 years of expertise in an easy-to-read guide—for free.

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RepHunter benefits for sales reps:
- Basic service always FREE for sales reps. No hidden fees, ever.
- Unlimited toll-free telephone support
- Fast track "Find My Matches"
- International online exposure
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- Powerful search tool helps you quickly find sales opportunities
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Outside independent sales reps – the BEST way to build your business!
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Find commission-only sales rep jobs at RepHunter!
RepHunter has businesses, distributors and manufacturers hiring independent sales reps in all territories and industries—if you are a sales rep in any of the markets shown above, we have businesses looking for you!
Independent reps—contact companies needing sales representation
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Manufacturers and companies daily search RepHunter to find and contact commission-only sales reps. We need qualified sales reps like you today!
Quick start to success for independent sales reps
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The Apparel And Fashion Industry
The apparel industry brings together creative and smart businesspeople who are interested in selling something everyone needs - clothes.
There are as many varieties of apparel companies and outside sales reps as there are types of clothing and manufacturing processes. The apparel industry offers a unique element of self-expression and the ability to connect to micromarkets and specific lifestyles. Promotional products, organic fibers, sports gear, new lines from familiar brands - these are just a few of the opportunities available in the apparel industry.
RepHunter connects Principals and Sales Reps in the apparel industry with one another to increase the effectiveness of the sales process and save valuable time and money on the part of each.
Sign up with RepHunter today to accelerate your outside sales success in the apparel industry.
Did you know?
Independent Reps in the Apparel And Fashion Industry
Outside Sales Reps in the clothing industry can serve different functions. At the wholesale level, a company may be interested in finding an apparel sales rep with experiencing in placing clothing lines in stores. This type of rep specializes in trade show and showroom work to obtain apparel distribution in retail stores. This position often requires travel from market to market, trade show to trade show. Commission and networking are especially prized here. Specific educational programs are available to help a sales rep break into this work, and these accreditations, in addition to experience, may be valued by clothing sales Principals.
B2B direct sales are another common need in the apparel industry. Here Principals need reps for selling clothes to organizations in need of custom apparel to bear their brand. Organizations may also be in need of work uniforms, or team apparel. As with the wholesale level, networking abilities and previous contacts, in addition to education, are coveted skills.
Retail sales reps are also important in the clothing industry. The educational level and experience level required here is somewhat lower, but an outgoing personality and networking skills are just as essential.
RepHunter can connect Principals and outside Sales Reps in any niche in the apparel industry with one another. For businesses, we help find sales reps that are supremely qualified to sell their product and get it in front of the desired customer base. For sales reps, we help find businesses that offer the best match for their skills and the greatest opportunity to succeed professionally.
Opportunity is waiting! Click above to find Sales Reps or New Lines to get started with RepHunter.
Find Independent Apparel and Clothing Sales Rep Jobs
Experienced clothing sales reps know that the apparel industry offers great opportunities for the outgoing professional. There are an almost limitless number of clothing brands needing to be sold, fashions as varied and expressive as the people who will be wearing them. Fashion sales representative jobs can combine high commission with a true passion for the product or niche it’s being sold in.
With the fashion and apparel industry projected to grow over the next 5 years (the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 11% growth from 2008 to 2018 in clothing, accessories, merchandise, and apparel), the question is not just how to find a clothing line, but how to find the apparel sales representative job opportunities that fit best for you.
Evaluate Your Fashion Sales Contacts
As an apparel sales representative, you know that having contacts in the fashion world is important, and making the most sales for a new fashion line requires evaluating your existing contacts in your territory. In a job so based on socializing, your performance will be best if you’re reaching out to people you have a natural rapport with. If you don’t have a lot of contacts, but still have a high degree of interest in the product, you can attend trade or fashion shows to get your feet wet and talk with clothing manufacturers and fashion designers and other fashion sales reps about apparel sales opportunities.
Mix & Match Your Clothing Lines
To maximize your opportunity in apparel sales rep work, it’s important to reach out to the right apparel companies and mix and match clothing lines so that your product lines complement perfectly without competing. A sales trip to a department store can allow you to sell anything from shoes to organic cotton shirts to handbags to health products, all for different manufacturers. A robust business can be built by smartly surveying territory and figuring out where to fit in non-competing additional lines.
Find the Best Apparel Lines to Represent
How do you determine which apparel manufacturers, suppliers, or service providers (or as we call them, "Principals") offer the best commission, most sellable and highest quality product, and most opportunity for a successful business relationship? RepHunter maintains a database of Principals hiring fashion sales reps with detailed information about products, territories, and opportunities, in the apparel industry and many others.
RepHunter is the #1 place on the internet to find more than just an “apparel sales representative job” – RepHunter provides invaluable business development, client portfolio expanding opportunities. We connect you with highly qualified Principals with great lines for maximum professional success. Get started by registering with RepHunter for your free profile by clicking on the button below and start searching for New Lines today.