Frequently Asked Questions
Quick Start
Search the RepHunter database
- Click Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines.
- Enter a keyword in the Search box below the form that describes the business of the customer the rep sells to.
- Click "View" from the Search Results page.
- Pick the best matches.
- Paid subscribers can click the "Contact" button for each Rep to view their contact information.
- Use the contact information to contact the member.
RepHunter members find you
- Your profile will be visible to RepHunter members.
- If you are a paid subscriber an unlimited number of members may contact you.
- You can find who is contacting you by clicking on your Contacts page.
How do I reset my password?
If you are unable to login you will have to reset your password. To do this please follow these steps:
- Click on Reset Password. (Or click on the Login button at the top, left of any Rephunter page; then click "Forgot Your Password".)
- Enter the email address used on your profile and click "Reset Password". You will be sent an email with a link that will allow you to reset your password.
- Click on the link in the email to go to the Select New Password page.
- Create a new password on that page.
- Click "Submit".
How do I log in to my profile?
- Click on Login found at the upper right of the page.
- Enter the email address and password you used when you created or last updated your profile.
I did not receive expected email from RepHunter.
Email is not a guaranteed delivery service. It is more of a “best efforts” method. That means there are many places along the way where email can get "waylaid". Sometimes for example the email is rejected by your ISP.
Very often the cause of your problem is one of the following reasons:
- The email was filtered by your anti-spam program. In that case, you would be able to find the email in your spam folder. You should also add "" to your email whitelist or permitted senders list.
- The email is blocked by your ISP. If that is the case, then you should ask your ISP to unblock RepHunter email.
In both of these cases, you might discover the solution by checking with your IT support person.
How do I change roles? For example, I signed up as a Rep but I am really a Principal?
There are two cases:
Case 1: you have gotten into the part of our website for Reps but you are a Principal, or you have gotten into the Principal side but you are a Rep. But you have not yet created a profile. To get back to the other "side" of the website, simply click on the "RepHunter" logo at the top of the page. Then select the other "side" by clicking on Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines as appropriate.
Case 2: you have created a profile as either a Rep or a Principal, but you are the other role. It is not possible to convert a Rep profile into a Principal profile or vice versa. You have to create a new profile with the correct role.
- Before creating the new profile, you will first have to change the email address you used on the first profile, to allow the new profile to use that email address.
- It may be helpful to copy some of the text you entered on the second page of the first profile to your new profile. The second page is where a Rep explains their Industry Expertise and a Principal explains their Sales Opportunity.
- When the new profile is complete, please remove the original profile by changing its status to "Removed". On the Member Information pulldown, click on My Settings. Change your profile status on the My Settings page and click Save at the bottom.
- You may also contact us for assistance with this procedure and we will be glad to help.
What are inbound and outbound contact requests for principals?"
Communication with reps occurs via "contact requests". Contacts can be initiated by either the rep or you the principal. Contacts initiated by the rep to you are called "inbound". Contact requests that you initiate to the rep are called "outbound".
The number of inbound contact requests you may receive is not limited.
Outbound contact requests are initiated by you, usually after searching our rep database. The number of searches and views of reps are unlimited.
Your subscription plan will have a limit to the number of outbound contacts you can request. For example, on the Bronze month-to-month plan, you would receive 30 contact requests in your first month, and an additional 15 contact requests each month that you pay to continue your subscription. Unused allotment from the past will roll forward to the next subscribed month.
How can I find the newest RepHunter members or the ones posted since my last visit to RepHunter?
How do I update my credit card number?
- Login to your profile.
- Click the My Account tab or My Acct button. If the My Account tab or My Acct button is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click Update Payment Method. Note: this tab will only appear if you have a current subscription paid with your credit card.
- Complete any parts of the form that need to be changed.
Please contact us by phone TOLL FREE at 877-895-2909 if you need further assistance.
What happens after I cancel my subscription?
- After your subscription is canceled, it remains valid until your next renewal date, at which time your subscription expires. You may continue to use it normally until then, including searching, viewing profiles, and issuing contact requests.
- After your subscription expires...
- You will still be able to view the contact information of previously contacted members. Such information is available by clicking the View button on the Contacts page.
- Any remaining contact requests in your subscription that you have not used will automatically "roll over" into a future self-service re-subscription. For example, if you have 30 unused contact requests when your subscription expires and you later re-subscribe to our Bronze Plan, the 30 unused contact requests will be added to the new allotment of 15 contact requests from the first month of your new subscription, giving you 45 contact requests at the start of your new subscription.
- You will still be able to perform unlimited searching. However, you will no longer be able to view the contact information for members you have not previously contacted.
What subscription plans are available?
Your subscription plan determines the number of reps that you can contact over a determined period of time:
Please click to see RepHunter Plans and Pricing

TrustPilot Reviews
General Information
What is the difference between "Services Products" and "Represent Services?"
It is understandable that at first these two seem to overlap. However, they are very different.
- "Services Products" - means that if the customer needs some service on the product they can look to the rep. An example of services on the product would be the following: say the rep is selling factory equipment and the equipment requires some service. Does the rep provide such service?
- "Represent Services" - some reps will only sell physical products, such as women's apparel. Other reps will sell services, such as advertising, consulting, and so forth.
Do you have media explaining your service?
Click here for RepHunter's eGuide: Working With Independent Sales Reps
Another way to get help on a particular page is to view the Audio presentation for that page.
- On any page, look for the audio player:
- Click on the triangle in the player to play the audio.
- On any page, look for the audio player:
I am having trouble logging in. Can you help?
Trouble logging in to RepHunter may be caused by one of the following reasons:
- You are using the wrong email address. Please be sure to use the email address or account number you entered into your profile, regardless of whether that address still is used for email. Many times members come back to the site and are sure they are using the right credentials. When we look them up, we find that the password may be correct, but the profile was created with a different email address.
- You are using the wrong password. We do not have the ability to access your password. If the system does not accept your password, you will have to reset it. To reset your password, Click Here
- Rather than logging in, you have navigated to the Register page. If you already have a profile and try to fill out the Register page, you will get a message that your email address is already in use. That is because you already have created a profile and the system will not let you create another one with the same email address. To login, do not try to register again. Instead follow the instructions from the question above.
What is a Contact Request?
You use a Contact Request to initiate contact with one of our members.
If you are a paid subscriber seeking reps, and you find a Rep in our database, click on the Contact button when viewing the Rep's profile and our system will send email to that Rep with your profile information. In addition, you will receive an email with the Rep's contact information.
If you are a Manufacturer's Rep seeking new lines, and you find a Principal in our database, click on the Contact button when viewing the Principal's profile and our system will send email to that Principal with your profile information.
In addition to email, you may be able to view for active members their contact information within their profile.
Finally, our system tracks all Contact Requests sent and received, as well as allowing you to respond to each Contact Request when you are logged in. While we encourage you to directly contact the member via phone or email, by using our system to make your responses, all of your Responses may be viewed on our Contacts page.
I marked profiles as "Favorites." How do I view them?
- Login to your profile with the email address and password you used when you created it.
- Click Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines.
- Click My Favorites.
How do I update/change/save my profile?
- Login to your profile with the email address and password you used when you created it.
- Click Profile. If the Profile tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click Change My Profile.
- Make your changes.
- Click Save & Continue at the bottom of the page.
Hint: every time you update your profile, it moves to the top of search results.
How do I find out which members have tried to contact me and look up their profile?
How do I create a RepHunter profile?
- Go to our home page.
- Click on Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines.
- Click on Find Sales Reps if you are looking for independent sales reps to take your line.
- Click on Find New Lines if you are looking for new lines to represent.
- Scroll down the page to the form and fill it out.
- Click Save & Continue.
- Complete the remaining four pages.
- Before your profile can be activated, you also must confirm your email address by clicking on the link in the email that you receive.
Why should I search on my customer base rather than on my product lines?
Most people new to searching will automatically enter words that describe their product lines. While searching on your products is a step you don't want to miss, many people stop at that point. It is often more valuable to search on your "Target Market", or "Customer Base."
The reason for that is two-fold:
- A rep may not be carrying your product line, but desire to. For example, if you make lawn sprinklers, it would be short-sighted to restrict your search to those reps that are already carrying lawn sprinklers. In fact you would want to search on your customers, such as garden stores, home improvement stores, and hardware stores.
- In fact if the rep already carries a line of lawn sprinklers, he may not want your line as it represents a conflict of interest with his existing lines.
Both of these drawbacks are overcome by searching on your target customers.
Can we get a reference?
We protect the privacy of our customers and would never expect you to take a call on our behalf. However, there are many reviews and testimonials published across the web:
Do you have other training materials?
The following training materials are provided in the RepHunter Training, which is accessible after you log in to your profile:
- Top 15 Ways to Ensure that RepHunter Will Work For You
- How To Use RepHunter
- Getting Started With Independent Sales Representation
- Frequently Asked Questions On Independent Sales Reps
- Tips For Working With Reps
- Letter Of Intent
- Sales Representation Agreement
- Subscriber Checklist
Why do I have to respond via Contacts?
Our Contacts system allows us to verify the response of the rep. We require the rep to go to our website and indicate his response, and you are notified of that response. Likewise, we ask you to go to our website to respond to rep contact requests.
There is a good reason for this extra step: in the past we have had many situations where the principal has reported that the rep "did not respond." Our policy is to remove reps from our database who do not respond.
We end up caught in the middle, with no way of confirming who was right in these situations.
When the rep or you mark your response on your Contact page, there is no doubt that he or you did respond. This eliminates controversy and protects the rep from being removed from our system unfairly.
In the long run, this simple step of going to our website and indicating your response saves everybody time.
What controls where my Display Ad appears?
The ads in the left column are those that have been published in the last six months; on the right, the ads from month seven and onwards appear. In both columns, the ads are in descending "most-recently published order."
Every day the top two ads are randomly chosen from all the ads that would appear in that column. If your ad is on the top for that day, it stays there all day.
After six months, your ad will go to the top of the right column and follow the same pattern, of floating down from the second position in "most-recently published order." Again, the top ad is randomly chosen from the ads in the right column. So after six months you once again have high visibility.
As a result of this method, the most recently published ad always shows up in the second position in the left column.
We have found this method to give the best compromise between visibility and "freshness".
Finally, your display ad also appears as part of your profile.
How big is RepHunter?
We have thousands of companies and tens of thousands of reps. New companies and reps come in every day. Our members use our service as a "revolving door", opting in and out as necessary when a position or a line becomes vacant or is filled.
The question about our size is often really a question about our credibility. Rather than answering with some large number that has little meaning to your specific needs, a better question is "how many reps do you have in my industry actively seeking lines." Or "how many active searches are there for my industry expertise".
You can get that information by using our Search By Keyword function on your industry terms and terms that describe your customer. When you do such a search, you get the "tip of the iceberg" that is relavant to you. The full number of our membership can be deceptive, as it would include all the inactive members. Our searches only show members actively seeking now.
How long has RepHunter been in business?
We have been in business since 2001.
How can I translate the RepHunter website into the language of my choice??
Please follow these steps:
- Go to
- Click the tab that says "Websites".
- Click on the pulldown arrow at the far right to reveal language choices. Select the language of your choice.
- Enter "" into the Website box and click the arrow.
Subsequent pages of the site will also be translated.
For Principals and Reps
Why does the RepHunter Newsletter not fit my needs?
RepHunter sends a weekly Newsletter to members who are opted in. There is a separate version for principals and reps. The Newsletter version you receive includes all new RepHunter members that have come in during the past week.
The purpose of this email is to give you broad exposure to the new members because it includes all industries and territories. It is not focused to your specific needs. Even this broad scope is highly appreciated by many of our members.
If this broad approach is not relevent to you, a better approach may be to set up a "Search Agent". A Search Agent will email to you each day the new members that meet your specific criteria. Detailed instructions on how to set up a Search Agent are available to logged-in users.
You can opt out of receiving this Newsletter on your Settings page. To opt out, point your cursor at the profile icon at the top, left of the page to pull down your Member Information. That icon is either a gear or the image you uploaded to your profile. On the Member Information pulldown, click on My Settings. Scroll down the page to the Opt Out section. Make your selections and click Save at the bottom.
When I try to paste into the text box, I get an error message about "more than 2000 characters." I have less than 2000 characters, so why is this happening?
Often when pasting text into a text box from another source, there are many "hidden" characters. You do not see these characters because they are used in that source for formatting, but they are not displayed.
To correct this issue, you must eliminate these hidden characters.
An easy way to do this is to first paste the text you are trying to copy into your profile into a plain text editor, which does not use any hidden characters. Then do a second copy/paste from that text editor into your RepHunter profile. For example, it may be easiest to use Windows Notepad or Mac TextEdit for this purpose.
If you are still having difficulty, another alternative would be to request us to update your profile on your behalf. To do this, please email your request, your text, and your Login Email Address or Member ID to us at .
Note: if you got to this help by clicking on the link on a profile page, your profile is still open in another browser window or tab. To get back to it, please find that window or tab.
Why does my Contacts page get stuck?
If you have a large number of contact requests on your Contacts page, it may a short while for the page to fully load. During the loading time, certain functions on the page may not be available. You can tell if the page is still loading by looking for the indicator that your browser uses to indicate "page loading".
How do I email myself a profile?
- View the profile you want to email.
- Click on the Email Profile link near the top of the View Profile page.
- The profile is immediately emailed to the email address in your profile.
- Close the popup window.
How do I print a profile?
- View the profile you want to print.
- Click on the Print Profile link near the top of the View Profile page.
- Use the Print dialog box that appears to print it.
What is the difference between a Saved Search and a Search Agent?
A Saved Search allows you to save your often used search criteria. Its purpose is to make it easy for you to repeatedly use the same complex criteria.
A Search Agent allows you to set up a keyword search which runs automatically once every night and sends you all new profiles that meet your keyword criteria. Once you set it up, it continues to run each night until you change or delete it.
How do I use the Saved Search feature?
The purpose of a Saved Search is to avoid the need to keep re-entering the same search criteria every time for the same search. To set up a saved search, first set the search criteria, and click Go. Observe the Search Results page. If necessary, go back to the Search by Keyword page and refine your search by changing the criteria until you get the desired results. Then go back to the Search By Keyword page again. Your latest search criteria will still be set on that page. Enter a name for the search in the My Saved Searches section in one of the available slots under Saved Search Description and click the button in the Save column for that name.
- Tips for using Saved Searches:
- Best tip: enter a keyword phrase of 1 - 3 words that describes your customers' business (who your rep sells to).
- Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
- Use customer names too.
- You can put more than one keyword into a Saved Search.
- You must separate unrelated keywords by commas. Otherwise all must be present in the profile for it to match.
- Enter keywords in the Search For Principals box (not in the Saved Search Description). The name you enter does not control the search. Only the keywords control the search.
- Saving Searches:
- To save your search criteria: enter a name and click the button in the Save column for that name. Examples of names you might use for the Saved Search Description: Search #1, Bob’s Search, New York Contacts. Anything that helps you remember what the search is for.
- To save the current criteria under an existing name, click the button in the Save column for that name.
- To change one of your saved searches: adjust the search criteria and optionally change the name; click the button in the Save column for that name.
- To delete one of your saved searches: click the button in the Delete column for that name. Since a maximum of five saved searches are allowed, you may need to delete one to make room for another.
- To be notified by email of new matches to any of your Saved Searches, click the checkbox in the Agent column for that name.
- To use one of your saved searches: click Use. The criteria for that search are loaded. To execute the search, click Go.
- Tips for using Saved Searches:
How do I use the Search Agent feature?
A Search Agent will email to you each day the new members that meet your specific criteria.
Detailed instructions on how to set up a Search Agent are available to logged-in users.
My Saved Search or Search Agent is not working right. What’s wrong?
Here are some tips on how to avoid issues with Saved Searches and Search Agents:
- Best tip: enter a keyword phrase of 1 - 3 words that describes your customers' business (who your rep sells to).
- Start with broader terms. For example, "apparel" is better than "apparel retail stores".
- Use customer names too.
- You can put more than one keyword into a Saved Search.
- You must separate unrelated keywords by commas. Otherwise all must be present in the profile for it to match.
- Enter keywords in the Search For Principals box (not in the Saved Search Description). The name you enter does not control the search. Only the keywords control the search.
Why does a member for whom I issued (or received) a Contract Request not show up in searches?
The search function is for finding members that you have not had previous contact. If you have either issued or received a contact request with a member, you can easily find them on your Contacts page.
- Click on Contacts. If the Contacts tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- The Contacts page will display.
How do I best search the RepHunter database?
- Click on Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines.
- Click on Find Sales Reps if you are looking for independent sales reps to take your line.
- Click on Find New Lines if you are looking for new lines to represent.
- If you are logged in to your profile, click By Keyword.
- Important 1: choose keywords that describe your customers, including company names. You will often get better results than by only using product keywords.
- Important 2: if you enter many separate key phrases, separate them with commas. Otherwise your will only match members who use all of the key phrases.
- Enter keywords and click Go.
- Click on View to look at the individual profiles to see how relevant they are.
- Click on Find Sales Reps or Find New Lines.
What are the main strategies for using the RepHunter database?
The two main strategies for using the RepHunter database are "Active Searching" and "Passive Listings."
Active Searching
- More effective than only Passive Listing.
- Actively search our database of thousands of members using keywords and other options.
- Search by Keyword is our most powerful search method because it allows you to focus on your industry, your customers, your products, and to filter on territories and other criteria of interest to you.
- Search Agents allow you to have our system send you an email when new candidates meeting your criteria come in to our database.
- By ID to look up a candidate directly by their ID number.
Passive Listing
- Your sales opportunity is posted so members can search and find you.
- Your results will depend on:
- How compelling is your ad?
- How many markets did you post it in?
- How often do you press Move to Top of Searches?
Best Search Strategy: Our users tell us that the best results come from using both Active and Passive search strategies together.
I updated my profile, but the changes did not "stick." Why is that?
When you refresh your profile, you must remember to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save & Continue. Otherwise your refresh is not saved. When you click this button, the system will acknowledge by displaying a notice. If you did not see this notice, most likely the changes to your profile were not saved.
You can verify that your changes "stuck" by navigating away from the Change My Profile, then returning to that page to see if the changes are still there.
How do I download my Contact Requests?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Contacts. If the Contacts tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click Export to CSV/Excel which is located immediately to the bottom, left of the Contacts table.
- Follow any instructions that may display. Some systems do not display any instructions.
- Depending on your system and how you responded to the instructions, the Contacts information may open in Excel, or be saved to a CSV file on your system.
- If the information opens in Excel, then save the file from within Excel.
- What if I don’t have Excel?
- You can download and install a free program to view CSV files.
- One such program we have used with success for Windows is called FreeOpener.
How do I change my profile status?
To change your Status, login to your profile and point your cursor at the profile icon at the top, left of the page to pull down your Member Information. That icon is either a gear or the image you uploaded to your profile. On the Member Information pulldown, click on My Settings. Change your profile status on the My Settings page and click Save at the bottom.
How do I opt out from RepHunter emails?
If you would like to opt out of our reminder emails, follow the steps below.
- Login to your profile.
- Click on the gear icon above your User ID# in the top right corner of the page.
- Click on "My Settings" on the menu that appears.
- Check the box marked "Opt Out of RepHunter Reminder Emails."
- Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Please be aware that certain emails cannot be opted out from. For example, if a member tries to contact you, or emails having to do with your payment method.
Another useful method is to have your IT support person set up a separate email address for RepHunter, which can be monitored by one or more designated staff members. Thus you would have coverage of relevant communication without overburdening your daily email.
How are Elite Reps shown in searches?
When a search for reps is performed using the "Find Sales Reps" function, the initial display shows Elite Reps matching the search criteria first on the page.
If the order of the reps is changed by clicking on a column heading, the Elite Reps are no longer shown first. That allows an easy way to re-order the results to show what you are looking for.
To get back to the display with the Elite Reps shown first, please click on the "Update Date" column heading. If the small blue arrow to the right of the column heading is pointing up, please click on the "Update Date" column heading a seconf time, so that the little blue arrow points donw. The Elite Reps only show first when the little lue arrow on that column hadineading points down.
For Principals
TrustPilot Principal Reviews
How do I search for reps by territory?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find Sales Reps.
- If necessary, click Advanced Search.
- Enter your search criteria, including the territories you wish to search.
- To search multiple territories, hold down the Ctrl key while you click on the territories.
Why do search results have reps in territories I have not included in my search?
There are two types of territories associated with a Rep. The first is the city and state in which the Rep resides. Those are shown on the search results page in the "City" and "State" columns. The second type of territory are the states that the rep sells in. They may include several if the rep offers multi-state coverage. And when the Rep is a Rep Agency, having several individual reps in the agency, there can be quite a number of states covered.
The two types of territories are shown in different places on the Rep's profile.
It is common for a Rep not to reside in the exact state for which you are seeking coverage.
How do I search for a Rep that resides in a specific state?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find Sales Reps.
- On the Find Sales Reps By Keywords page, click Advanced Search.
- Enter your search criteria.
- Click Search.
- When the Search Results page appears, click on the "State" column heading, which is the eighth column from the left. The results will be sorted into state order, and you can scan the list for the states you require.
- Please note that the state the Rep resides in is not the same as the states the rep covers, which can include more states.
- It may be that the first rows may have a blank state if the Rep is based in an international location.
How can I find the newest Reps or the ones posted since my last visit to RepHunter?
When you search By Keywords the Reps are shown by default with the most recently updated at the top of this list. The date of last update is in the fifth column from the left.
To see the newest entries rather than the most recently updated, change the sort order to Entry Date by clicking twice on that column heading. The search results will be redisplayed in Entry Date order. Make sure the arrow near the column heading is pointing down, which indicates descending date order.
If you are trying to "search the whole database" to see what is new, there is a better way. Use the By Keywords search and determine what criteria will show you what you are looking for. Experiment with the search criteria using keywords that are appropriate for you, with specific territories you seek, plus any other criteria that are useful. When you have the search criteria that meet your needs, you can use the "My Saved Searches" feature to have the system remember those criteria.
Then just repeat this search every time you come back to the website. Since the results are always listed with the most recently updated Reps first, you will only have to look at the top listings with the updates entries since your last visit.
You can also set up a Search Agent, to receive a daily email of Reps that have joined in the last day that meet your critera.
How do I look up the profile of a rep using their Member ID number?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find Sales Reps.
- Under By Member ID enter the Member ID number and click Go.
How do I find out which reps have tried to contact me and look up their profiles?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Contacts. If the Contacts tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- The Contacts page will display.
- If the Rep is contacting you first – click on the Received: Require My Response tab.
- If the Rep is responding to your inquiry, click Sent: Received Response tab.
- You can search all of the Contacts pages by using the Search button near the top left of the page
How can I improve the visibility of my sales opportunity?
Highest impact ways to improve your visibility:
- Add a link on your website to your RepHunter profile or your RepHunter display ad.
- Upload an image to your profile.
- Submit a video to be included in your profile.
Another way to improve your visibility:
- Login to your profile.
- Click Profile. If the Profile tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click Move to Top.
- Click Move to Top at the bottom of the page.
Hint: every time you update your profile, it moves to the top of search results.
What happens if a rep does not respond to my contact request? (The RepHunter Rep Credit Policy)
The integrity of our database is a top priority. If you encounter any reps that warrant removal, you can contact us via a link provided on the View Profile page.
You will receive credit for a rep and be able to pick a new one in the following situations:
- For a rep that has BOTH an invalid email address AND an invalid phone number.
- For a rep that has stated they are seeking employment or requesting a salary.
- For a rep that does not respond within 14 days.
- For a rep that responds "Sorry – not taking new lines now."
- For a rep that responds "Sorry – Out of business."
Please note: when a rep responds "Not A Match" that is not grounds for a rep credit. Our service is guaranteed to provide communication between you and the rep, but not that each rep you contact will be a match. Finding reps is a "numbers game" and that is why there are more reps in your allotment than you will typically engage.
How does RepHunter treat duplicate contact requests?
Duplicate reps do not count against your allotment. Our system automatically takes into account the duplication.
How does RepHunter determine whether a contact request counts against my allotment?
The following types of contact requests do not count against your allotment:
- Duplicate contact requests
- Requests where the rep contacted you first
- Contact Requests for which you have received a Rep Credit.
Here is how to see if a particular contact request is counted against your allotment:
- Navigate to your Contacts page
- On the first two tabs (Received: Require My Response and Received: I Have Responded), the Contact Requests do not count against your allotment. You can received an unlimited number of Contact Requests from reps.
- On the third and fourth tabs (Sent: Waiting Response and Sent: Received Response), look in the first column titled "Contact Count."
- Each contact request that counts against your allotment has a number in parentheses in the lower right of the "Contact Count" cell. If instead of a number in parentheses there is one of the following indicators, the Contact Request does not count against your allotment.
- "Dup" means that the Contact Request is a duplicate of another one. You would be able to find that one somewhere else on your Contacts page.
- "Rep 1st" means that the rep contacted you first, and even though you later issued a Contact Request for that rep, it does not count against your allotment.
- "Cred" means that you have received a Rep Credit for this Contact Request.
- If you either the number in parentheses or indicator, a specific explanation for this particular Contact Request is displayed.
How can I get an invoice?
The easiest way to get a billing statement is follow these steps:
- Log in to your profile
- Click the My Account tab or My Acct button. If the My Account tab or My Acct button is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click View Payment History.
- Click Printable view of This Statement and print it. Alternatively, you can click Send Me This Statement Via Email to receive it at the email address in your profile.
How do I cancel my subscription?
- Login to your profile.
- Click the My Account tab or My Acct button. If the My Account tab or My Acct button is not visible, first click on Home.
- Click on Cancel Subscription.
- Follow the instructions to cancel.
- Make sure that you get a cancellation number. If you don’t get one, your subscription is not canceled.
Hint: any unused Contact Requests automatically roll over into any future self-service re-subscription.
What membership statuses are there for principals?
Your Status controls your access to the RepHunter database and your visibility to Reps.
Featured — You have full access to our database and will be found in keyword searches by Reps. Your profile is "Featured" for 30 days after it is first created, becomes "Featured" for 30 days every time you update it, and at all times while you are a subscriber.
Active — You have full access to our database and will be found in keyword searches by Reps.
Hidden — Identical to Active except that your profile will not show up in searches by Reps. You may choose Hidden status if you wish to be able to use the service to proactively search for and initiate contacts with Reps, but do not wish to use it passively to receive contacts initiated by Reps.
Additional Statuses available only to members not having a paid subscription:
Inactive — You will not be able to request contact with a Rep. Your profile will not show up in any searches. You may choose Inactive status if you are unable to handle more Rep contacts for now, but would still like to keep your RepHunter profile. You will be able to log into your profile at any time to change its status back to Featured or Active. You will still be able to modify your profile, search our database for Reps, and use the Contacts page, although some functions will be limited.
Removed — Your profile is effectively removed from our system. You will not be able to login. You will have to contact us when you are ready to reactivate your profile.
Note: to change your Status, login to your profile and the profile icon at the top, left of the page to pull down your Member Information. That icon is either a gear or the image you uploaded to your profile. On the Member Information pulldown, click on My Settings. Change your profile status on the My Settings page and click Save at the bottom.
How should I write the ad that is posted as my sales opportunity?
When you create your profile, you write your own description of your sales opportunity. The best way to see how this is done is to do the following to see many examples of what others have done:
- Using Search by Keyword
- Make sure you are logged out of your RepHunter profile.
- Go to the home page.
- Click on Find New Lines in the tabs at the top of the page.
- At this point you are acting like a rep looking at sales opportunities.
- Continue to search until you can view profiles of other members that are similar to you and view their Sales Opportunity.
- Using Search by Category
- Click on the Site Map link at the bottom of any page.
- Click on "Manufacturers Reps, Independent Reps: Search By Industry".
- Click on your industry on the left.
- Click on a sub-category on the right.
- When you drill down into the categories, you will see a lot of profiles of other members that you can use to inspired your writing.
You will see many listings of sales opportunities, and what others have written.
Note: before you Register, please make sure you are back on the "Principal's" side. There should be maroon highlights on the page. If the page has blue highlights, you are still on the "Rep's" side. Click Home > Find Sales Reps > Register.
- Using Search by Keyword
How do I contact a rep that is advertised in the Search Agents?
- Option #1: click on the link within the email
- Option #2: if option #1 does not work
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find Sales Reps.
- Under By Member ID enter the Member ID number and click Go.
- Review the Opportunity.
- Click Contact at the top of the rep's profile should you wish to contact them.
What are some good interview questions to ask of candidate Independent Sales Reps?
- How long have you been an independent rep?
- How many lines do you represent?
- How many clients do you call on?
- How often do you see them?
- What do you believe differentiates your best lines from your worst?
- What do you do to improve the sales of your low-producing lines?
- What are the most important attributes of the principals that you chose to represent?
- How important do you believe it is to have immediate results with a new line?
- How often do you think there should be mandated communication with your principals?
- In representing a new line, would you think a probationary period with mandated, measurable results would be a good idea?
What are the specifications for a Display Ad?
Display Ads on our Hot Sales Opportunities page are included with our 6- and 12-month subscriptions. The easiest way to get an idea of what is allowed on the Hot Sales Opportunities page is to look at what others have done, as well as to see the size and format for display ads. Click here to view our Hot Sales Opportunities page.
Here are the specifications:
- Rights. You must have the right to use all of the content of your ad, images must be royalty-free, and all content must conform to the RepHunter current Terms of Service.
Pitch to Rep. The ad should focus on your pitch to the rep rather than your pitch to your customers. As a rule, we do not have your customers visiting our website. Instead we have sales reps that you are trying to attract to take your line. While it is relevant to include some information about your products and services, your ad must address the needs of the rep if the ad is to fulfill its purpose. You have to communicate to the rep why he should want to take your line.
For example, you could include where appropriate info about your commissions, territorial exclusives, training to the rep to sell your line, marketing support, sample policy, and so forth.
- Aspect Ratio. Your ad should be in "portrait" aspect. That is, taller than it is wide. If you compose your ad so that it looks good at a size of 5 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall, it should look good on our Hot Sales Opportunities page. In any case the "aspect ratio" of your display ad should be so that it is no more than 60% as wide as it is tall.
Caution: to avoid problems when preparing your layout, set your margins to give a 60% aspect ratio. For example, to fill a standard 8.5 by 11 inch page with 1 inch margins at the top and bottom, set both your left and right margins to 1.55 inches.
File Submissions. The image files containing your logo and other graphics should be contained in either png, jpg or gif files. For best results, you should send high quality images which can be of any size. We will compress the final images so that the total size of your ad is less than 60KB.
In some cases where the your ad has too many images or is overly complex, we may ask you to simplify the layout to meet our file size limitations. By these means we have been able to make this file size reduction in a way that preserves the look of the graphics to our member’s satisfaction.
People often ask how they should send us their layout. The most common way is to send a logo and sometimes additional pictures in png, jpg or gif files, and to send copy in the body of the email. In such a case it is up to RepHunter to lay out the ad.
Another common method is to send a "picture" of the ad layout in some form, such as a Word document, a PDF, or a jpg file. When this is done, then we can create the ad according to this layout, and you are exerting much more control over the layout. In the case of a PDF, jpg or other composite document, it is important that separate gif or jpg files for each image are included for best results. Sometimes images can be extracted from composite documents. However, the resulting images might have lower quality.
Please note that if you send a layout file along with separate image files, those images must be the same as included in the layout. That is, if the images in the layout have features including cropping, colored borders, rounded borders, highlights, drop shadows, transparent areas, or rotations, the separate image files must also have those same features.
In all cases it is important to realize that the final ad will be on a web page. On a desktop computer the ad will be approximately 4 inches wide. That means you should design the ad to look good at that width. if you design the ad in a larger size, such as 8.5 x 11, the amount of detail and text that is acceptable at that size might not be acceptable at the 4 inch width. Please check your layout when shrunk to 4 inches wide to see what it will look like.
In some cases, it may be possibile to use a submitted "picture" of the ad in a jpg or other file format directly to create your ad, and RepHunter reserves the right to use such a submitted picture to do so. In other cases, it may not be possible to use a "picture" of the whole ad directly. In such a case, the submitted materials should be in the form where we can create a web page using html plus small image files. If you need more information on how to deal with issues in this area, please let us know and we will send you a detailed explanation.
- No HTML. You can send a formatted document, showing how you would like your ad to look. Please do not send HTML.
- Fonts. Unless you use "web safe fonts" in your design, we cannot promise to use the exact fonts. Please realize that not all fonts are available on the web. We discourage the replacement of fonts with graphic image of text. An ad using web safe fonts is included in the base price. Custom fonts can be made available at an additional cost; contact us for details should your design require them.
- Word Count. The number of words should be 300 or less.
- Final Copy and Layout. We will only accept final copy and layout. While we will work with you on the look of the ad, before submitting your materials, you should have all of your team members approve the ad layout and copy.
RepHunter Designs Ad. In the case where you ask us to create the ad without submitting a mockup or layout, or depart from these specifications, RepHunter is willing to create such an ad subject to our specifications, which includes file size limitations and quality standards.
In the case of no mockup or layout, you agree that the layout created by RepHunter becomes the final copy and layout and you give up the right to make changes to the original ad other than minor changes and corrections to the copy. RepHunter strongly recommends that you prepare the mockup or layout so that you have the maximum control over the appearance of your ad.
- Acknowledgement. We will acknowledge receiving your materials. If you don't receive timely acknowledgement, please contact us.
- Best Efforts. RepHunter will make its best efforts to render your ad according to your instructions, for display in recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
- Timing. Please allow us five business days to create a mockup of your ad. When the mockup is ready for your review, we will email you with instructions to view it in your logged in profile, which is private to you and not viewable by the public. After you have approved the ad, we will publish it to our Hot Sales Opportunities page.
- Revisions. For 12-month subscriptions, during the time your ad is running, we will allow you to revise the ad one time per year at no charge. Thereafter for 12-month subscriptions and for all 6-month subscriptions, revisions will be charged at the base rate of USD $350 per revision.
We will be happy to work with you until we come up with an ad that meets your approval.
For additional important information, please see our Terms of Service for Display Ads
How do I print or email your pricing page?
Near the top of the pricing page is a pink button labeled "Print". Click on that button. A PDF version of the pricing page will display that can be saved or printed.
To email the pricing page, save it to your computer and attach it to an email.
Please click to see our RepHunter Plans and Pricing
For Reps
TrustPilot Rep Reviews
How can I improve the visibility of my profile?
Highest impact ways to improve your visibility:
- Add a link on your website to your RepHunter profile.
- Upload an image to your profile.
- Submit a video to be included in your profile.
Another way to improve your visibility:
- Login to your profile. Your availability is automatically confirmed and your profile is moved to the top of search results.
How can I find the newest sales opportunities or the ones posted since my last visit to RepHunter?
When you search By Keywords the sales opportunities are shown by default with the most recently updated at the top of this list. The date of last update is in the fifth column from the left.
To see the newest entries rather than the most recently updated, change the sort order to Entry Date by clicking twice on that column heading. The search results will be redisplayed in Entry Date order. Make sure the arrow near the column heading is pointing down, which indicates descending date order.
If you are trying to "search the whole database" to see what is new, there is a better way. Use the By Keywords search and determine what criteria will show you what you are looking for. Experiment with the search criteria using keywords that are appropriate for you, with specific territories you seek, plus any other criteria that are useful. When you have the search criteria that meet your needs, you can use the "My Saved Searches" feature to have the system remember those criteria.
Then just repeat this search every time you come back to the website. Since the results are always listed with the most recently updated sales opportunities first, you will only have to look at the top listings with the updates entries since your last visit.
You can also set up a Search Agent, to receive a daily email of companies with sales opportunities that have joined in the last day that meet your critera.
How do I look up the profile of a company using their Member ID number?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find New Lines.
- Under By Member ID enter the Member ID number and click Go.
How do I find out which principals have tried to contact me and look up their profiles?
- Login to your profile.
- Click Contacts. If the Contacts tab is not visible, first click on Home.
- The Contacts page will display.
- If the Principal is contacting you first – click on the Received: Require My Response tab.
- If the Principal is responding to your inquiry, click Sent: Received Response tab.
- You can search all of the Contacts pages by using the Search button near the top left of the page
What membership statuses are there for reps?
Your Status controls your access to the RepHunter database and your visibility to Principals.
Featured — You have full access to our database and will be found in keyword searches by Principals. Your profile is "Featured" for 60 days after it is first created and becomes "Featured" for 60 days every time you update it.
Active — You have full access to our database and will be found in keyword searches by Principals.
Hidden — Identical to Active except that your profile will not show up in searches by Principals. You may choose Hidden status if you wish to be able to use the service to proactively search for and initiate contacts with Principals, but do not wish to use it passively to receive contacts initiated by Principals.
Inactive — You will not be able to request contact with a Principal. Your profile will not show up in any searches. You may choose Inactive status if you are unable to take on more lines for now, but would still like to keep your RepHunter profile. You will be able to log into your profile at any time to change its status back to Featured or Active. You will still be able to modify your profile, search our database for Principals, and use the Contacts page, although some functions will be limited.
Removed — Your profile is effectively removed from our system. You will not be able to login. You will have to contact us when you are ready to reactivate your profile.
Note: to change your Status, login to your profile and the profile icon at the top, left of the page to pull down your Member Information. That icon is either a gear or the image you uploaded to your profile. On the Member Information pulldown, click on My Settings. Change your profile status on the My Settings page and click Save at the bottom.
Why should I refresh my profile?
We ask you from time to time to update your profile. We understand that the information in your profile may already be up to date. But there are additional reasons why it will help you to "Refresh" your profile in such cases.
- First, you are confirming that you are still actively seeking new commission-only lines.
- Second, profiles that are not updated gradually slip down the list and become less and less visible to Principals.
- Lastly, it is also required to confirm that your email address and phone number are current, that other info in your profile (such as newly acquired lines) is current, and that you are in agreement with our terms.
Can I use my Resume in place of a Line Card? What is the difference?
A line card is a simple list of manufacturers or principals and their products or services that you sell. As such it presents your "stock in trade" and shows "what business you are in." A resume is used to gain employment, and describes you and your experience. As you can see from these two definitions, there is very little overlap.
When you are attempting to take on a new line from a principal, that principal wants to know about the lines with which you already have success, and especially if you are already representing another principal that would present a conflict of interest. They are much less interested in any of the normal content of a resume. When was the last time you called various retailers acting as a consumer (not a rep) and asked how long they were in business, what school they went to, and what types of problems they solved? More likely, you just called to see what brands and products they had in their store. While a resume may include such information, it usually requires a lot of study to extract such information, if it is present at all.
The experienced independent sales rep understands these points well, and should have no issue with this question. However, if you are just breaking into the independent rep field, you may not yet have much of a line card. In that case, our suggestion is to create a line card that indicates which businesses you have had relationships with that would give you the ability to take a principal's line into those businesses and sell it. You must be upfront with your lack of actual experience. For example, you might say that you are just breaking in to the Independent Rep field, but that you have well-established relationships over a period of so many years with the listed principals.
If you are unable to create such a line card, as a last resort your resume would be appropriate to enter as your line card. However, you should be aware that this will be a noticeable flag to the principal of your inexperience as an Independent Rep.
To assist you in seeing what a line card looks like, there is example text on the Industry Expertise page (second screen of Register/Change My Profile) at the right of the Line Card entry field.
As you gain experience with different principals, you should be sure to update your RepHunter Line Card with the new listings. That way, you will soon have your own professional line card.
Also, please note that an excellent line card is usually much shorter than an excellent resume. This length difference is an important reason why we limit the size of the Line Card field, and why your full resume will possibly not fit within it.
My company is a sales agency. How would I use RepHunter?
If you are a multi-line sales agency, you could use RepHunter in two ways:
- As a principal to find sales reps. Find new independent sales reps to expand either your geography or your vertical market. You can search for free for independent reps. If you find a rep you are interested in, fees are very reasonable.
- As a rep to find new lines. This part of our service is 100% free. Simply register and start searching our database for products or services your agency would like to represent.
How do I contact a principal that is advertised in an email from RepHunter?
- Option #1: click on the link within the email
- Option #2: if option #1 does not work
- Login to your profile.
- Click Find New Lines.
- Under By Member ID enter the Member ID number and click Go.
- Review the Opportunity.
- Click Contact at the top of the Principal's profile should you wish to contact them.
Subscribing to RepHunter
Why RepHunter?
We help manufacturers, distributors, service companies and independent reps find each other.
We have over 14,000 independent reps and rep groups profiled in our database. Our database grows every day.
Our database is unique and our service is of value to you because our reps must agree to these terms:
- They are seeking new commission-only lines;
- They will respond, interested or not, to any contact request.
We save you time and money in locating qualified reps and then initiate your first conversation.
Our service works in two ways to create a constant stream of independent reps interested in your opportunity:
- Most importantly, you have the ability to search our database and contact the reps of your choice.
- Your sales opportunity is posted and independent reps find you.
How do I get started?
The easiest way to get started is to create a free profile.
Once you create your free profile, you are in our "Try Before You Buy" mode and two things will happen:
- Your attractive profile will cause interested reps in your industry to find you. They will submit to you an anonymous contact request presenting their industry expertise including the types of customers they call on and what product and service they represent.
- You will be able to use our Advanced Search to pro-actively search for the specific rep you need.
You will not be able to contact any reps until you have paid to subscribe. The purpose of the "Try Before You Buy" is to confirm that we have the reps in our network that you need before spending a dime.
What are the benefits of creating a profile?
When you create a profile, you will get the following benefits:
- Your attractive profile will cause interested reps in your industry to find you. They will submit to you an anonymous contact request presenting their industry expertise including the types of customers they call on and what product and service they represent.
- You will be able to use our Advanced Search to pro-actively search for the specific rep you need.
- You will be able to save profiles of reps that you are interested in communicating with in your “Favorite” folder so you can easily find them again.
- You will also have access to our “Training" tab. Under this tab, you will see a wealth of information on how to work with independent reps, including the following:
- Are you Rep-Ready™?
- Tips for Working with Reps
- Sample Sales Representation agreements
- Sample Letter of Intent
- Plus much more!
How does it work? What are the details?
RepHunter has been recruiting independent sales reps since 2001.
RepHunter advertises all over the internet for sales professionals seeking commission-only sales opportunities.
Interested sales professionals come to our website and profile their sales expertise.
Today we have over 14,000 independent sales reps profiled in our database who are seeking new lines.
Our database is unique because the reps must agree to these terms:
- They understand that all of our opportunities are commission-only.
- They are actively seeking new lines.
- They must respond to all contact requests, whether they are interested or not.
Our database makes it easy to match your sales representation need with a rep’s sales expertise. Simply use your profile to search for reps in your industry; then contact those who are qualified.
You save time and money by using RepHunter:
- You only contact reps that are seeking new commission-only lines.
- You only contact reps in your industry--because you chose them.
- RepHunter helps initiate the first conversation.
RepHunter helps you contact independent reps two ways:
- First and most importantly, you search the database and contact the reps of your choice.
- Second, your sales representation need is posted; reps seeking commission-only lines can find your profile on our search pages.
To contact a rep, you search our database. The information in the reps’ profiles will help you decide who to contact. That information includes the following:
- When the rep created and last updated their profile.
- If they have more than one rep in their group.
- Their location and territories covered.
- If they carry related lines and call on the right markets.
Once you have selected a rep that you would like to contact, you simply press the contact button at the top of the rep’s profile. The following three things will happen:
- The rep will receive an email with your sales representation need and instructions to contact you.
- You will receive an email with the confidential portion of the reps profile: contact information, line card, resume; everything the rep has provided in their profile.
- It will take one away from your pro-active allotment. The size of that allotment depends on which subscription plan you purchased.
The second way RepHunter works is to help interested reps find you. Your profile is posted on our search pages. You manage the content of your listing and its exposure.
- You control which searches by independent sales reps your profile will show up in by entering a good description in the Sales Opportunity page of your profile. A good description uses keywords relevant to your industry, customers, and products. Keywords searches are how reps find you, so "think like a rep" to discover how they might search for you. Be aware that they will be calling on your customers, and not be necessarily thinking of your product, but other lines that they carry, and will therefore use keywords that are more broad.
- Your profile is moved to the top of your categories every time you update your profile. Your visibility is improved when you are at the top of the page.
Reps that you contact are counted towards your subscription contact allotment. Reps that find and contact you are not.
We have the following subscription plans:
- Bronze - Month-to-Month, Cancel Anytime
- Silver - Six Months
- Gold - Twelve Months
- Platinum - guaranteed placement; no specific time limit
The subscriptions plans differ in the number of reps that you can contact, as follows:
- Bronze - unlimited reps contacting you; 30 proactive rep contacts in first month; 15 each month thereafter
- Silver - unlimited reps contacting you; 96 proactive rep contacts
- Gold - unlimited reps contacting you; 240 proactive rep contacts
- Platinum - you do not contact reps; we do it for you ... and guarantee their placement. It is a full turnkey solution. Let us find the right reps for your company.
All subscriptions include online training. After you login to the Principal’s home page, at the lower left there is a link to our Training page. The tools on that page will help you to use RepHunter effectively.
All of our subscription plans include unlimited telephone support. If you have any questions or concerns as you move forward, simply call us TOLL FREE at 877-895-2909.
Remember — you can view the independent reps we have in your industry before you pay to subscribe.
What makes RepHunter different from other ways to find reps?
RepHunter is the most cost-effective way to find reps in your industry.
Consider the alternatives to
- Hire Inside Sales Rep: $50,000 +
- Agency Placement: $10,000 +
- Nationwide Advertising: $5,000/Month
- Newspaper, one major city: $1,000/Month
- Online Job Board, one major city: $700/Month
Our subscription plans are a fraction of the cost of these alternatives!
- We take your phone calls! Why do business with somebody who doesn’t?
- Our customer service has been called "world class", "priceless", "awesome", etc.
- No overage charges. Our system prevents you from exceeding your contact allotment.
- Cancel anytime! You can even do this right away to pay for only one month.
- Cancellation does not shorten your subscription. Cancel mid-month to avoid further payments while retaining your subscription until the month is out, for example.
- You do not pay RepHunter any overrides on rep commissions.
What sets RepHunter apart from the competition?
- We have been in business since 2001.
- We have over 14,000 reps in our database that are seeking new lines.
- In addition to posting your opportunity so that interested reps can find your attractive profile, you can search proactively to contact qualified reps. Ask our competitors if they allow you to search for reps.
- The reps in our database have confirmed they are seeking new lines.
- Our reps understand the opportunities are all 100% commission.
- Our reps are already calling on the decision makers within your vertical market. The reps use our database to obtain new product lines to represent.
- Our reps are required to respond to your contact request, whether they are interested or not.
- We guarantee our reps: if they don't respond within 14 days, you can request another rep.
- We have unlimited phone support.
- Check out our Reviews and our Hot Sales Opportunities pages.
How much does RepHunter cost?
RepHunter subscriptions start as low as USD $159 for returning clients. Click here to view our pricing.
What subscription plans are available?
Your subscription plan determines the number of reps that you can contact over a determined period of time:
Please click to see RepHunter Plans and Pricing
How do I get the most out of my RepHunter subscription?
- All of our subscriptions come with training and unlimited telephone support. We will show you how to use our service to its full potential.
- Request a review of your profile (from your home page).
- Request a demo (from your home page)
- Upload an image to your profile. The image can be your logo, a picture of your product, or your portrait if you are a Rep.
- Send us a YouTube or Vimeo video link presenting your sales opportunity.
Where can I learn more about using Independent Sales Reps?
Click here for RepHunter's eGuide: Working With Independent Sales Reps
Does RepHunter have a brochure that I can print out?
Click on this link to view and print the RepHunter Brochure for New Subscribers.
What if I only want to pay to subscribe for one month?
- Sign up for our Bronze plan.
- Once your subscription has begun, immediately cancel it.
- Your subscription will continue until the end of the month, and you will have full use of the system.
- At the end of the month, you will not be charged for another month.
How do I know RepHunter has reps in my industry?
We would not expect you to pay us one dime before you have searched our database and are convinced we have reps for you. So we offer a "try before you buy".
- First, do a keyword search. Click the Find Sales Reps tab. Enter keywords that describe your target customers.
- Second, create a free profile, and click Find My Matches.
- Third, contact us for assistance, at 877-895-2909
What is the RepHunter guarantee?
We guarantee access to qualified, commissioned, reps in your target industry. Placements are determined by your sales opportunity, the marketability of your product lines, the reputation of your company, and most importantly, your ability to communicate and form agreements with independent reps.
The RepHunter self-service plans are like a "dating service". We guarantee that you will have dates, but we do not guarantee what will happen on the date. If as a principal you have 30 Contact Requests in your present allocation, this does not mean that you will place 30 Reps. It means that you will have 30 conversations, or "dates".
The RepHunter full service plans are like a “marriage service”. In short, our skilled team interviews you, learns about your company and your products. Then we go out and find the right reps for you. These plans can go all the way up to complete management of the reps.
What promotions do you offer to Principals who subscribe?
- Free eGuide: complete your profile and confirm your email address within 24 hours to get RepHunter's eGuide: Working With Independent Sales Reps. Has 41 pages—a USD $29.95 value!
- Get Tips for Working With Reps when you complete your profile.
- Bonus reps for subscribing within a few days of creating your profile.
- The Bronze plan provides up to 5 bonus reps.
- The Silver plan provides up to 10 bonus reps.
- The Gold plan provides up to 25 bonus reps.
I have not worked with reps before. Do you have any tips for working with reps?
Placing productive, independent sales reps is a numbers game. Period.
Using RepHunter will improve those numbers but you, most likely, will need to communication with several reps to place that one that will ultimately be productive.
For example: to have 10 productive reps you may need to place 30. To place 30 reps you may need to have discussions with 100.
Therefore, it is important that you proceed with the proper understanding. These tips are designed to help you do so.
- Create a Professional impression:
- Placing a rep is like getting a new customer. You do everything you can to create a professional impression so the rep is willing to represent your line.
- The number one reason that a rep will not take your line is if they do not perceive your company to be professional and reputable.
- All communication, phone calls, emails, etc. must be professional.
- Patience and Persistence:
- As we said above, placing a rep is like getting a new customer.
- You must exercise patience while waiting for reps to respond and be persistent when necessary.
- Note: request contact with the rep via phone AND email TWO times. Call once immediately. If no response, then call again in one week. Then, if the rep does not respond, use the Rep Credit link and the rep will not count against your contact allocation.
- Use a Letter-of-Intent: a one page email that identifies the basic points of the original probationary working agreement. It should identify:
- the probationary time frame;
- mandatory communication schedules;
- progress milestones;
- a clear cut vision of your expectations for the probationary period;
- There is an example Letter of Intent on the RepHunter Training Tab, which is accessible after you log in to your principal profile.
- Commission Amounts:
- 90% of all commissions paid to reps are between 5% and 20% based on gross sale amount.
- Commissions differ with each industry.
- The best way to establish your commission amount is through conversations with interested reps in your industry.
- Samples:
- It is best to establish a relationship with the rep before sending any samples.
- Depending upon the cost of your samples, the best way to protect yourself from reps not returning samples is to have your reps "secure" the samples you send with a credit card. "Secure" here means "authorize only--do not capture" the cost of your samples.
- You only charge the card if the rep does not work out and you do not get your samples back.
- Contracts and Exclusives:
- Long term contracts and exclusives must be an incentive, not an entitlement.
- Long term contracts and exclusives should be discussed AFTER your rep produces a purchase order for your product.
- There is an example Sales Rep Agreement in the RepHunter Training, which is accessible after you log in to your principal profile.
- What If A Rep Responds "No?"
- You can still benefit from contact with such a rep.
- Send a response email including the following points:
- A "thank you" for considering your offer.
- A clear description of why your opportunity makes sense.
- A request to contact you should they find a home for your product in the future.
- A request for names of anyone they know that may in interested in your line (a small finders fee could jog their memory).
- Create a Professional impression:
What terms do the reps agree to?
RepHunter Independent Sales Reps Agree That:
Immediate communication is the backbone of RepHunter.
- I will return to and confirm my status AT LEAST once every 60 days.
- My profile has a status of Featured, Active, Inactive or Removed. I control the status of my profile.
- I must ACTIVELY be seeking new commission-only lines if my profile is Featured or Active.
- I will keep my profile up-to-date with a valid phone number and email address that I actively monitor.
- I will respond immediately to all contact requests.
- I am required to respond to all contact requests, whether I am interested or not.
- A contact request means that a company has paid RepHunter for my contact information.
- I respond by logging in to my profile and going to my Contacts page.
- RepHunter sales opportunities are commission-only.
- There are no jobs, salaries, or draws available through RepHunter.
- If up-front fees are required, I will indicate this in my profile. RepHunter strongly recommends that when up-front fees are involved, additional due diligence should be exercised, and that the parties sign a written contract that covers how such fees are handled
- If I appear to be seeking employment, my profile will be inactivated.
- I will receive email from RepHunter.
- RepHunter uses Opt-In email. Emails from RepHunter are solely for the purpose of helping my sales representation business and are not spam.
- I will receive emails from companies seeking sales representation and from RepHunter.
- I will make sure that my computer does not block emails from RepHunter.
- I will assure that my actively monitored mail box is not full for unreasonable lengths of time.
- I am obligated to return Principal’s Samples.
- I will either pay for or return any samples sent to me by a principal upon request by the principal.
- My failure to return samples will result in a permanent ban from using RepHunter.
My failure to abide by these terms may result in removal from the RepHunter database.
- I will return to and confirm my status AT LEAST once every 60 days.
What is your success rate in placing reps?
Success in placing reps is a direct result of your sales opportunity, your company and your ability to form relationships with independent reps.
RepHunter can put you in contact with reps in your industry that are seeking 100% commissioned lines. Although many of our customers have placed reps immediately using our service, your success will be determined by your sales opportunity.
What does RepHunter get paid after a rep is signed by my company?
RepHunter is a subscription service that you helps you find independent sales representation. When you contract with a rep, RepHunter is not paid for anything in connection with the services of the rep. You would only continue to pay RepHunter should you desire to continue your subscription for the purpose of finding additional reps.
I only want to hire one rep. Why do I need so many contact requests?
Placing Reps Is A Numbers Game:
- RepHunter will save you time and money in locating and communicating with reps. However, placing productive, independent sales reps is still a "numbers" game.
- For example, to have 10 productive reps you may need to place 30. To place 30 reps you may need to have discussions with 100.
Effectively Play The Numbers:
- Search our database and contact the independent reps of your choice.
- Post your opportunity so interested reps can contact you.
- Receive credit for non-responding reps.
Why do reps sometimes ask for upfront fees? Aren't they supposed to be 100% commission?
Upfront fees may be required when the rep has to expend time and effort to build your market or your channel. Understand that a rep cannot afford to work speculatively for long periods, such as 6 months or longer, without any compensation. Sometimes such fees are considered as advances against future commissions.
RepHunter strongly recommends that when up-front fees are involved, additional due diligence should be exercised, and that the parties sign a written contract that covers how such fees are handled.
Your site does not seem to be working well. What can I do?
Many technical problems can be easily solved using one of the following procedures:
- Clearing your “temporary internet files”, also known as “clearing the browser cache”, solves many problems. Click here for instructions on how to clear your temporary internet files or browser cache.
- If clearing temporary internet files does not work, it may also be necessary to delete your browser's cookies. However doing so will also remove certain information that websites "remember" about you, such as your login information. Click here for instructions on how to clear your browser's cookies.
- If you are still having trouble, click here to test your browser and email the results to
I am not receiving my RepHunter email. Can you help?
Trouble receiving RepHunter email may be caused by one of the following reasons:
- You have not kept your email address up-to-date. Please login to your profile and make sure that the email address in your profile is correct and frequently monitored.
- You have a spam blocker which is filtering out RepHunter email. Please adjust the settings of your spam blocker to allow email from RepHunter to be received. Please add our domain "" to your "safe senders" list (also known as a "whitelist") so we can notify you of opportunities.
What is wrong with using free email services?
It is our suggestion that you not rely on AOL or Hotmail or similar free mail service for business purposes. There are continual problems with such accounts, such as suspended accounts, mailbox size limits, spam blockers, etc. which interfere with your ability to receive email, and thus with your ability to do business.
If you are relying upon email to drive your business, it is a must that your email service be more dependable than such free services.
RepHunter technical support has asked me for a "screenshot." What is a screenshot, and how do I take one?
One of the best explanations of how to take a screenshot may be found at
To capture a screenshot on Windows, follow these steps:
- With the window that you want to capture highlighted (its top bar is bright blue), hold down the Alt key and press "Print Screen" (usually at the right of the function keys at the top of the keyboard);
- When you press the Print Screen key, nothing will appear to happen. That is fine;
- the body of your reply email, and press Ctrl-V. The screenshot will be pasted into the email.
RepHunter technical support has asked me to "force refresh" my browser. How do I do this?
A comprehensive explanation of how to refresh your browser's cache, as well as when and why you may need to do this may be found at
To refresh your cache in Windows, hold down the "ctrl" key on your keyboard and do one of the following:
- Press the "F5" key on the row of function keys on your keyboard
- Click on the "Refresh" button in your browser's controls.
How do I reset my RepHunter bounced email counter?
Do one of the following:
- Change your email address.
- If the email address is the correct one, change it temporarily to something different, then change it back.
How do I put a shortcut to RepHunter on my mobile device?
Follow the instructions below for your browser:
Note that the instructions are the same for Android and iPhone
- Open Safari
- Go to
- Tap the icon at the bottom of the screen with a box having an arrow pointing out of the top.
- Tap on "Add to Home Screen"
- Enter "RepHunter" for the name of the home screen icon.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open Firefox
- Go to
- Tap the Menu button (either below the screen on some devices or at the top, right corner of the browser)
- Tap on "Add to Home Screen"
Google Chrome
- Open Chrome
- Go to
- Tap the Menu button (either below the screen on some devices or at the top, right corner of the browser)
- Tap on "Add to Home Screen"
The RepHunter site says cookies are not enabled in my browser, but they are. Why is this?
You may have directly navigated to a page in our site without going through our home page and clicking on the links. For example, via a bookmark or "favorite" or by typing or copying a URL into the address bar.
If this is the case, please go back to our home page, and navigate to the desired page.
Enable Javascript
You may have reached this page because either you have disabled javascript in your browser or your browser does not support scripting.
- To use most of the features on our site, you need to enable Javascript.
- If your browser does not support Javascript, please switch to one that does (any recent major browser).
- Supported browsers are Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE11, and Edge.
Internet Explorer
- In Internet Explorer, click Tools in the left menu bar (if opened) or click on the Gear icon in the right toolbar.
- On the Tools menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Security tab.
- Click the Internet zone.
- Click on the Custom level... button.
- Scroll down to the Scripting section (near the bottom of the list).
- In the Active Scripting section, click the radio button next to Enable to enable Javascript in your browser.
- Click Ok, and then Ok again to return to normal browsing.
Note: to allow scripting on this website only, and to leave scripting disabled in the Internet zone, add this website to the Trusted sites zone.
- Open a new tab in Firefox.
- In the address bar, type "about:config" (without quotes) and press Enter on your keyboard.
- If prompted, click on I accept the risk!
- In the search bar, type in javascript.enabled.
- If the Value column for the result, named javascript.enabled is marked False, right click on the row and click Toggle to enable javascript.
- Close the "about:config" tab to return to normal browsing.
Note: certain addons such as NoScript or AdBlockPlus may block Javascript. Either disable them, or add to the addon whitelist.
Google Chrome
- In Chrome, click the Three-Vertical-Dot Menu button on the far right side of the toolbar at the top of the browser.
- Select Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Advanced" section to expand it.
- Scroll to the bottom of the "Privacy and security" section and select Content settings.
- Click on the "Javascript" option.
- Click on the switch at the top of the page so that the top option on the left under the "Javascript" header reads "Allowed (recommended)"
- Close the Settings tab.
Note: certain addons such as NoScript or AdBlockPlus may block Javascript. Either disable them, or add to the addon whitelist.
- Select Safari from the top menu.
- Choose Preferences.
- Choose Security.
- Select the checkbox next to Enable JavaScript.
- Refresh this page to make sure Javascript is working.
- Close the Preferences window.
Clearing your Browser's Cache and Cookies
If a page you are viewing is displaying problems or behaving strangely, you may need to clear your browser's cache and cookies.
What are the browser's cache and cookies?
Cache: The browser cache is a location where files from the Internet are temporarily stored from places you have recently visited. By storing this information, pages that you visited will load much faster when you visit them again.
Cookies: A cookie is a small file on your computer that saves Internet settings. A cookie is what enables a site to "remember you", and to log you back in to your own account.
Step 1: If you are having troubles viewing a page, the first thing you should do is clear your browser's cache. That may correct problems with pages that you have changed since you last visited them. The only downside to clearing the cache is that pages may load a bit slower the next time you visit them.
Step 2: If you are still having problems after clearing the cache, you should next clear cookies. Because cookies are used to remember you on a website without having to log in each time you visit the site, you will need your login and password for every website. For this reason, some browser's allow you to clear only the cookies related to a specific site. We recommend that if you need to clear cookies to correct a problem with RepHunter, that you only clear the RepHunter cookies if your browser provides that feature. If not, then go ahead and clear all cookies.
Because clearing the cache and cookies are similar for most browsers, the instructions to clear each are presented together on this page.
- For all browsers it can take up to several minutes for the cache to be cleared.
- Removing cookies may also remove your saved settings at other websites. But it is sometimes necessary to correct issues.
Internet Explorer 11
- In Internet Explorer, click Tools in the left menu bar (if opened) or click on the Gear icon in the right toolbar.
- Click Internet Options and choose the General tab.
- Click the Delete... button under the "Browsing History" section.
- Make sure you uncheck "Preserve Favorites Website Data" at the top of this window.
- Make sure you check the options Temporary Internet files and website files and Cookies and website data
- Other options below the above two are optional. You can clear these but you should not need to.
- Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Delete Browsing History window to finish clearing your Cache and Cookies
- Click the OK button to close the Internet Options window
Microsoft Edge
- In Microsoft Edge, click on the Hub icon (three horizontal bars) in the top right corner of your browser.
- Click on the History icon (looks like a clock).
- Click on Clear all history.
- Check the options Cookies and saved website data and Cached data and files.
- Click the Clear button.
- In Firefox, click the Three-Line Menu button () on the far right side of the toolbar at the top of the browser.
- Click on Options (on Windows) tab, or Preferences (on Mac) from the Menu that opens.
- Click on Privacy on the left-hand sidebar.
- Under the History section on this page, click on the phrase clear your recent history.
- Under Time Range to Clear, select Everything.
- Select the Details down arrow to reveal details.
- To clear the cache, select the Cache checkbox.
- To clear cookies, select the Cookies checkbox.
- Click Clear Now.
- Close the Options or Preferences tab to return to normal browsing
Google Chrome
- In Chrome, click the Three-Vertical-Dot Menu button on the far right side of the toolbar at the top of the browser.
- Select Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Advanced" section to expand it.
- Scroll to the bottom of the "Privacy and security" section and select Clear browsing data.
- In the dialog that appears, use the menu at the top to select the amount of data that you want to delete. Select the beginning of time to delete everything.
- Select the checkboxes for the "Cached images and files" and "Cookies and other site data."
- Any other options on this page are optional, so feel free to clear anything else.
- Click Clear browsing data.
- Close the "Settings" tab to return to normal browsing
- Click the Safari menu on the bar at the top of the screen.
- Select Preferences.
- Click Privacy.
- Click Manage Website Data...
- Click Remove All, and then "Remove Now" on the resulting popup. If you wish, you may remove only the data for to retain data for other websites.
- Click Done
- Close the Preferences window.
Enable Cookies
The following describes how to enable cookies. Follow the instructions below for the browser version you are using.
- A cookie is a small file on your computer that saves Internet settings. A cookie is what enables a site to "remember you", and allow you to login to your account. If cookies aren't enabled, you will not be able to use most of the features of our website, including creating a profile and logging in.
- Note: if after enabling cookies this page still reports they are not enabled, you may need to take one or more of these additional steps:
- You may need to close your browser and reopen it.
- Certain firewall and content filtering programs may also block cookies. You may need to adjust these programs in addition to the instructions given here.
Internet Explorer
- In Internet Explorer, click Tools in the left menu bar (if opened) or click on the Gear icon in the right toolbar.
- On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
- Then click the Privacy tab.
- Click the Advanced button.
- Under First-party Cookies click Accept.
- Click "Ok", and then "Ok" again to return to normal browsing.
Microsoft Edge
- In Microsoft Edge, click on the More button in the top right corner of the browser (looks like three dots in a horizontal line)
- Click Settings at the bottom of this menu.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Settings menu and click View Advanced Settings.
- Scroll down to the Cookies section and change the dropdown menu option to Don't block cookies.
- In Firefox, click the Three-Line Menu button () on the far right side of the toolbar at the top of the browser.
- Click on Options (on Windows) tab, or Preferences (on Mac) from the Menu that opens.
- Click on Privacy on the left-hand sidebar
- Under History click on the dropdown next to Firefox will: and choose Use custom settings for history.
- Make sure Accept cookies from sites is checked.
- Make sure Accept third-party cookies is set to Always.
- Close the Options or Preferences tab to return to normal browsing
Google Chrome
- In Chrome, click the Three-Vertical-Dot Menu button on the far right side of the toolbar at the top of the browser.
- Select Settings.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Advanced section to expand it.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Privacy and security section and select Content settings.
- Click on the Cookies option.
- Click on the switch at the top of the page so that the top option on the left under the Cookies header reads Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)
- Close the Settings tab.
- Select Safari from the top menu.
- Choose Preferences.
- Choose Privacy.
- Select the checkbox next to Cookies and website data marked Allow from websites I visit.
- Close the Preferences window.