Find independent sales rep jobs
Contact companies hiring manufacturers representatives

Enter keywords to search for reps in our database. The search looks at the portion of the rep's profile where they describe their customer base.
  • Describe your customers. Examples: retail, apparel, gift shop, medical, OEM, industrial, machine, component, auto, department store, distributor, wholesale, etc.
  • Note: do not include cities or states with your keywords. Territories are not part of the keyword field and will dramatically reduce your results.
  • Once you are registered with RepHunter, you can do an Advanced Search, which allows searching by Territories and more.
All Of The Words
Enter one or more words. All must be present to be included in the result. For example, the search home office will find entries with both home AND office but not necessarily as adjacent words.
The Exact Phrase
Enter quotes as part of the search. For example, "home office" (with the quotes entered) will find only entries having the exact phrase home office.
At Least One Of The Words
Put a comma or "OR" between the words. Either word must be present to be included in the result. For example home, office will find entries with either home OR office. Another more complex example: home office, copier will find entries with home AND office OR copier. Likewise for copier, home office.
Word Boundaries
The search function has been enhanced so the word boundary symbols [ and ] are no longer necessary.
Negative Keywords
To search for results that do NOT include a keyword (example: home office but not copier), use a minus sign immediately before the keyword you wish to omit.
Example: home office -copier

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  2. Between 6 and 30 characters.
  3. Use a mix of numbers (0-9), lower case letters (a-z), upper case letters(A-Z), and symbols.
  4. Strong passwords are not required, but highly recommended.
  5. Certain passwords are not allowed. For example, all of the same character, or your name or email address.


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We have an active and trusted database of companies, wholesale vendors, and distributors seeking to hire independent reps to promote their product and service lines.

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Basic service always free for reps. No hidden fees. And we never sell your data, ever.

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The RepHunter Difference:

Support for sales reps, when you need it

  • With unlimited toll-free telephone support, you can get your problems solved fast.
  • Activate or deactivate your independent rep profile as your needs change, hassle free .
manufacturers rep jobs
independent sales rep jobs

International exposure

Reach new audiences and customers with exposure on our international rep database. Your sales rep profile gets searched daily by recruiters, agencies, and companies hiring sales reps.

We advertise to companies seeking independent reps and promote your profile with optimized search.

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We provide powerful search tools to help you find that next big sales opportunity. With features like "Find My Matches", you'll be on the fast track to your next business call.

Complete your profile and confirm your email address within 24 hours and receive RepHunter's Guide to Independent Sales Reps—16 years of expertise in an easy-to-read guide—for free.

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We don’t make money selling your information. Our revenue comes from our company members who pay to make connections with reps like you and from nowhere else. That means the only ads you’ll see here are the ones we make for our company members. Simple as that.

RepHunter benefits for sales reps:

  • Basic service always FREE for sales reps. No hidden fees, ever.
  • Unlimited toll-free telephone support
  • Fast track "Find My Matches"
  • International online exposure
  • Activate/deactivate your profile as needed
  • RepHunter advertises for you! We find companies seeking reps.
  • Powerful search tool helps you quickly find sales opportunities
  • RepHunter’s recruiters use this database everyday

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  • We make it FAST, SIMPLE, and EASY to find Independent Sales Reps opportunities!
  • Post Your experience and search our database for FREE!
  • We will work hard to exceed your expectations!

Find commission-only sales rep jobs at RepHunter!

RepHunter has businesses, distributors and manufacturers hiring independent sales reps in all territories and industries—if you are a sales rep in any of the markets shown above, we have businesses looking for you!

Independent reps—contact companies needing sales representation

Create your free profile and search for manufacturer representative jobs and independent sales rep job opportunities.

Manufacturers and companies daily search RepHunter to find and contact commission-only sales reps. We need qualified sales reps like you today!

Quick start to success for independent sales reps

  1. Find new lines by searching the RepHunter database.
  2. Respond to all contact requests timely.
  3. Login to RepHunter and keep your profile up to date—keeps you at the top of searches by companies looking for you.
  4. Control your profile's visibilty.
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